
Knowledge Is Power

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Welcome to my blog!

Here, I share my thoughts on a variety of subjects, but I’m particularly fascinated by physics, especially astrophysics and quantum physics as well as the ever-evolving world of technology, from fundamental chip design to cutting-edge computing.
I also occasionally dive into other realms such as psychology.

You don’t know where to start? Here’s a reading suggestion: universe25, kernel and initramfs, and straight lines on a curved surface

To help you navigate, I’ve tagged my articles. Looking for something specific? Try “code“, “linux“, “psychology“, “physics”. A full list of tags is available at the bottom of this page.

So, take a look around. I hope you find something that sparks your curiosity and perhaps even challenges your perspective. Enjoy!

N.B. –> A number of these articles were automatically migrated from my previous WordPress site. As a result, some links or references might be broken.

“Light can only be understood with the wisdom of darkness.”

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Available Tags

code, hardware, linux, physics, psychology, radiation, secops, technology
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